onsdag 29 juni 2016

ONLY THE DEAD, Carstens/Karlsson illustrated chapbook

...still copies left of the second print run. Order it thru PayPal for only USD11 (includes shipping from Sweden to North America). Address: svenskapache@gmail.com

fredag 10 juni 2016

torsdag 9 juni 2016


Need some cool and kinky literature for the beach this summer? Then go here!

måndag 6 juni 2016

The Torch of Stupidity

Marketing and promoting...

...yourself and your books is an ugly game you can´t win. Nevertheless you need to sell your fucking books, cause if you don´t, all this is for nothing. A waste of time. I don´t need "likes", cheers, or love/hate-emails. I need your MOTHERFUCKING money. And you, my dear friend, you need yourself a motherfucking BOOK!